Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March Madness Week 2 React

Historically, it always seems to be the round where the Cinderellas loose there footing and the high seeds follow through. No George Mason this year, and although it may be better off for my bracket, the excitement level just wasn't the same. Maybe its just me, but last year was the pinnacle of just how maddening march can be and its hard to go back to mundane high seed eradication.

At least for me, I don't have a team to pull for any more. I could barely take Florida winning it all last year, now we're talking repeat? And why can't UCLA go alway too? At least both of them won't play on Monday. Georgetown comes from a region void of interest so I guess Ohio State and cartoon faced Greg Oden are all that's left for me.

Non the less, the last two rounds still showcased some great basketball. Call me what you want, it was satisfying to see Acie Law not deliver for once. We saw wild point swings, big 2nd half runs and what seemed like an inaccessible rim for Kansas in overtime. With only 3 games left, the tournament is coming to an end and all I can hope for is one more barn burner with a fantastic finish. Is that too much to ask? Probably; these games are never as good as they should be.

Bracket Rankings through Regional Finals
Jake Hartwell is running away with this one, but with all of his picks still in play, along with a massive jump to second place, Troy is poised for the biggest comeback in the Two-14 bracket pool's long storied history. (What's it at, two years now?) Can't you feel the suspense?

This week's high risers: Troy- 11th to 2nd, Brian- 13th to 7th

This week's big drop: I'm not going for hurt feeling so I'll just say Baker- 9th to 12th

109 Jake H
94 Troy
93 Stan
87 Lindsey
84 Taylor (max)
83 Jonny
75 Brian
74 Ruben (max)
73 Steph (max)
73 Sammy (max)
68 Jessica
66 Baker
47 Lydia (max)

(max) indicates that these brackets have no correct picks remaining and have maxed out their point count. Many of you never filled in the tie breaker section of your brackets, which means that you automatically loose in case of a tie. (unless both of you didn't send me your tie breakers, in that case I despise you both) You can still get yours in my emailing me your prediction for the total points scored in the final game before Monday.


Jonathan said...

Yay!! What does (max) mean?

Brian said...

I explained it tard

Jonathan said...

I guessed that Florida would be in the final 2... does that give me anything?