Sunday, January 07, 2007

Impressive Display by 'D-hawks' Humbles "Romo-Mania"

Clearly I'm a tad bit bias, but I can't help but say "YES!". In a game where the former "Gods" of the NFL realized their mortality in full, nothing stood out more than how the under-estimated Seattle defense proved that no number of injuries will keep them from attending a play-date in either "The Big Easy" or "The Windy City". This and the fact that the household name of Tony Romo bought into the realization of his 4-year-rookie status. It's official: Romo-Mania is over.

What does this mean for the Cowboys? Well first of all, 'T-Rome' is now everyone's scape-goat tied up with good ol' Terry Glenn and his costly fumble turned into a safety. But I'll get to the climactic 4th quarter later. Right now the story is not what Matt Hasselbeck did, or what former MVP Shuan Alexander contributed, but what Hackett and the 'D' finished. Yes, Hackett made some amazing catches for big plays, keep many of Seattle's drives alive...Or was that those constant plagues brought apon by a careless Dallas secondary? Oh, well that's huge right there isn't it? Yes, the Cowboys kept shooting themselves in the foot and the Seahawks brushed the sweat off their brows.

But back to the Seahawk defense. Talk about a factor that should have been the death of that game for Seattle. Somehow, the rag-tag bunch pulled through and gave Dallas some good practice to punt. But seriously, injuries were a huge factor. 3 out of the 4 key secondary were out leaving back-ups in a pressure situation. But the biggest accomplishment on the D's part was scaring Romo into believing he couldn't do it; which was silly when he had two-1000 yard WR and a trusty tight end named Whitten...Oh well, all over-hyphenated things must come to an end.

All in all I'm happy. Obviously. There aren't many Seahawk fans in Texas, and both of us are ecstatic that we can finally retort to all the flack taken from half of Austin who supports the Cowboys with a passion. But justice is sweet and so is a big W going into a hard second round of playoffs. Commence the excitement; are you ready for some football!?!

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